Friday, April 15, 2011

Baby H is Loved!

This little baby has been shown so much love and is already being showered with gifts by family and friends! Here are a few of things that we received when they found out that we were expecting!

Gift cards, Baby's first hunting boots,
& The Belly Book from PopPop & Gramma Ski

Baby calendar, Turtle outfit, and Girl or Boy shoes from Grandma H

"I'm Polish" onesie from Aunt Amy, Joe, Graysen, & Alana

Baby Uggs from Aunt Laura & Uncle Luke
"Aunt" Laura also got a fabulous gold sequin tank for Mama!

Everyone has been so supportive and loving - just think we're almost half way! And in a few weeks we're going to find out if this is a little boy or girl! I can't wait! That's when they real shopping will begin!

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