Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Brief History of Our Family!

During our 12 year relationship (so far), Jon and I have had quite a few experiences together.
We met in our junior year of high school and had an interesting start to our relationship, needless to say we made it through high school as a couple.
Senior Prom
Over the next few years we really grew up and grew together.  At some point, although it eludes me when, we became adults.
We bought a house and have spent the past 4 years turning it into our home (this is when I should have started this blog, but we can catch up on all that excitement another time!).
Someday this little fixer-upper will be my perfect, quaint, shabby chic, cozy home. We're getting there, I swear.

We started adding to our family with the adoption of the most beautiful German Shepherd Dog that you have ever seen. Comet.
Isn't he gorgeous?
Jon proposed Christmas morning, 2007. Our first Christmas in our house. He was so nervous, I was so excited and will never forget that moment.
We were married May 2, 2009.  It was an unforgetable day.  So magical and filled with joy.
I will remember every smile, tear, laugh, kiss and hug from that day.

And now, a new chapter in our family story begins. Jonathan and I are pregnant! I am 15 weeks and we are expecting Baby Herald to arrive September 23, 2011!! 

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